Monthly Archives: November 2011

LA Fitness vs. Bally’s Fitness

LA Fitness bought out Bally’s Fitness Centers in GA a few weeks ago. I had just changed my membership from Bally’s to LA Fitness since I wasn’t satisfied with the service. Also, I didn’t want to wait ’till January 1st to go into the gym. I need to work out now!

Truth Is: Geter wasn’t going at all and I needed something to push myself back into the gym. I needed a nice whirl pool, inviting locker rooms, the latest bling to feel comfortable in walking in and out of a facility. Yeah, Ballys didn’t keep up with their equipment like LA Fitness. However, why do girls need all of the niceties that men really don’t need? Men love a grungy gym while women need all of this stuff not really necessary for working out.

So, I worked out at LA Fitness and now I can’t walk today. This doesn’t stop me. I’m not the crazy Target lady on those commercials during the holiday season (although memorable), I’m determined to reach AND keep my goal of a size 6-8.

I have a long ways to go. Whatever gets me to the finish line: Weight Watchers on my right and LA Fitness on my left will steer me forward to the goal post. That’s the idea anyway.


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Posted by on November 27, 2011 in Recipes/Exercise


Money vs. Happiness

Okay. Ed Victor works hard for the money. He actually makes me LMAO. I’m so glad to be a part of his VO group because he tells it like it is without any sugar-coating and the rough side of this business. He’s made some money and still feels and shares the heartache that comes with being in entertainment. I’ve learned a lot from the people who post on the Working Voice Actor Group and Ed’s sense of humor as well.

Obviously, I like to audition, and I enjoy the business. However, you want to make that money as well. Enjoying it and all is good, but when it’s time to make that money, honey, we all know what time that is. 🙂 We all want to book that big gig.

Why did I place this post in the VO category? VOs, entertainment, music, & drama careers, are fantastic. However, I’m learning that I can wish whatever the hell that I want, but there are no guarantees in life, except the time-tested truth (death and taxes which is a clichĂ© but true).

Happiness is corny but that’s what I want. I don’t need more money, I need to manage the money that I have, then maybe God will give me more (hint, hint).

I’ve done this for a long time now (music, drama, education) that I can’t get too excited about anything anymore. Folks, entertainment is heartbreaking. If I knew at 7 years old what I was going to get myself into, I would not have done it (some folks know in their single digits what they want amazingly enough – maybe they are the lucky ones).

I don’t want to blow it (the big job if it ever comes). However, I just don’t expect ever to become a female Don Fontaine. If you had asked me 5 years ago that I would do VOs, I would have said, “What? I will have a VO business? For real? You have to be kidding.”

Life is strange, and entertainment is even more strange, so I just want to be happy in the “present.” All I have is now, with my lovely parents, my beautiful 95-year-old grandmother, my heart-warming disabled brothers, my engaging students, and my HMO managed (knock on wood) good health. Some of my close relatives/cousins have passed early in life as well. Cash doesn’t help me with their loss. I sincerely grieve that they are not here now among us.

Where ever I land, prayerfully not in jail or 6 feet under (anytime soon), I want to be happy in my heart and live in peace. Peace is what I need, truly, peace is what I desire. Peace in my heart (clichĂ©d but true) and true happiness in my Spirit. Humanity is too hard and lovely – time is too fleeting to desire cold hard cash as my daily happiness quota. I’m a part of God’s creation and I want to slow down and take in the world more. Cash will help me live a more comfortable life physically, but spiritually, it won’t last (I’ll spend it all viewing/traveling the world). LOL

Okay, back to work. I guess that I would like that big gig after all (so that I can view/travel the world). LOL

The honest cold hard advice that I know at age 40 is this: there is nothing secure in entertainment and don’t expect happiness from this business.

My warm loving advice is this: Enjoy and strive for the highest quality work, and the connections that you make with people around you. Happiness comes from the people who love you and your love in return. I will also add that God’s love gives me complete peace (a pleasant surprise – my feelings anyway).

PS: Yes, I will start making my batch of fresh corn bread, which I also love. Thank you. 🙂


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Posted by on November 6, 2011 in Voice Overs


A Voice Over Q & A

I will have to copy the conversation but leave the names out. Below is some of the conversation. We sent texts and emails several months earlier since he was looking for coaching. He found a coach within his price range but it didn’t work out. Several months later, I received his new demo and was asked about what I thought. I directed him to other professionals since his focus was character/video work but stated my comments. Comments from another VO professional was stated below in our conversation (please excuse the typos or misspelled words). The conversation was verbatim:

Business Man – (VO Character Actor on a Nat’l Show)…….said the issue with my demo is that it looks like one big work. He siad my demo isn’t ready for public distribution because demos are suppose to have different background music of to make it look like I did diferent works. There is an alternative to spending thousands of dollars and doing what should be done. Market this demo to small markets and get a professional to redo it after I get PAID!

KG – A producer would have known this fact and helped you find different clips for your demo. You don’t want to waste your time with minor mistakes as this. Go ahead and work with the right professional to get a proper demo and continue with (XXX) for private sessions. It never gets easier. I agree to spend money wisely but go to the right professionals. They do VOs everyday. I could tell right away what wasn’t right. Go to professionals. Cutting corners incorrectly hurts your goals.

BM – I think in my situation the best thing to do is start off as small as I can and avoid large companies that are compeitive. As I get work, I can use those audio files to create a professionally recorded demo and meet the industry standards and eventually leave the workforce for voice acting. There is a small talent agency in my area, I might read their scripts and do a commercial demo for them IF I can find the right music. The key is to get experience, then people won’t say you don’t know what you are doing and you need coaching. Thanks.

KG – All the best to you. VOs is a very tough business. Any advice that I give or others is an opinion. However, as a talent in this industry for over 30 years, I and other industry professionals try to help people as best we can. It’s up to talent to take or leave our advice. My opinions is best on industry experience. Be blessed and take care. I encourage private sessions. Getting jobs in VOs is extremely tough but I wish everyone the best including myself. If you ask for advice, try not to waste our time by not taking it AND keep asking for it but still refuse to follow it. I hope that you find success in your plan. However, it’s a professional business like accounting is a professional business. They’re are business details that you can cut but determine if it hurts your process in the long run. Be careful and enjoy it. Study is your best prevention from getting ripped off or taken advantaged of. Have a great day. This is my last email.

KG – By apologies for misspelled words. I’m typing from my phone.

BM – Thanks for the advice. Didn’t mean to waste your time. Just don’t like spending money to get a job, especially when lots of people in voice acting get in by networking. The best way a person can help me is by introducing me to people who see my talent and have projects to utilize it. I’ll let you know when I get work. Thanks again.

The talent has talent. That is not an issue. However, his marketing strategy has some flaws. First, he didn’t continue to train. However, that is not really the issue that I’m referring to. He failed to use an audio engineer/producer and produced the demo himself. Then, asked my opinion about it. When I gave him mine and told him to ask other professionals, they stated the same thing. He needed more different clips, not just one long clip showing different voices for 1:18 secs. It’s a big mistake to make. Yet, he will market this demo to smaller markets and still refuse to train.

I reflected on my obstinate ways over the years, and it didn’t get me anywhere that I needed or wanted to go. He’s not ready but doesn’t realize it. BTW, I want to clarify that I’ve taught music and acting for 17 years at this point to young students, not VOs. I started in piano at age 7 years and was performing ever since. I’ve been in business for one year and refer people to others that I respect. I always believe in receiving industry advice from several people. Then, make up your mind. My question is this: Why do people do what they want even though they ask for advice but ignore it? Especially if folks are saying the same thing. It’s tough. Use money wisely. That’s a fact, but carefully talk with industry about where to cut corners. It’s a tough business. Do I have all the answers? No. I want people to do well. Yet, people don’t because they don’t want to learn. There is so much to this business that people don’t realize. I wish that I could explain everything but it’s complicated, and the entertainment industry is very “iffy.” My humble opinion is that this business is 1/3 acting, 1/3 marketing, and 1/3 business. Now, do that all yourself as a business owner. It’s a lot. There is a lot to learn. It’s not a sprint and getting fired is the last thing that you would want. Practice and Learn. All the pros do this. Just ask them (and listen). Seek out professional industry advice from several people. Find out what works for you. However, don’t tell them what you are going to do anyway and waste people’s time by continuing to ask questions that you won’t follow. How will you ever succeed?


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Posted by on November 4, 2011 in Voice Overs