Monthly Archives: November 2012

Social Media and Privacy

There were some tough lessons to learn along the journey that I’m following: Questions about the Business from Prospective VO Talent.

Fortunately (or unfortunately, I like to think positive), I’ve worked in three major artistic genres: music & theatre education, and voice overs.

I’ve worked in other genres as well for pay: singing (private studio), musical theatre, film acting, commercials, and plays. However, I recently had to define my boundaries about my time management with another VO business person and let the person know that I cannot share any future knowledge with them without a payable invoice.

This statement was tough. However, maybe the person didn’t know that asking questions when I’m on social media sites ANY time of the day or night was not the time to ask me why I’m on them; or ask about my schedule; or constantly ask about my contacts. For me, it became an invasion of privacy. If a person shares freely, that’s one thing. If a person says that they cannot talk, because they are performing business matters, that’s another entirely. I also did a sexual predator check (the person passed). That should have been done a long time ago.

However, friendly as I am to a point, I have to protect myself as a person (safety first) and as a business entity.

Red flags started to appear shortly with the constant questioning of my skill sets, and contacts, and the invasion of my time management, i.e. All About Eve, the film. I enjoy helping a person and/or business to a certain point, then I have to set boundaries so that I can work on my business entity and get work done.

Really, the fact is I will NEVER love your child (business), more than my own (child aka business). Mine comes first. “God Bless the Child” who has their own business. Bless everyone with a business. It’s a tough economy. However, mine comes first.

A relatively famous film actress friend of mine (went to HS together) stated that if she doesn’t know you, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t love you. However, it may mean that your posts are not answered and you are not “friends” on Facebook. There is a screening involved. It makes sense to me.

Unfortunately (or fortunately in this case), I’ve deleted from my contacts famous people who I don’t know. There isn’t a reason to pry into their privacy. They were nice enough to include me in their circles (the ones active on social media) but if we don’t connect on these sites at all, I cut them loose. I don’t ask famous people who I don’t know to join their circles anymore (google + and Facebook). Some social sites encourage following famous people, i.e. Twitter. That’s cool since famous people want to know what their fans think. That’s legitimate.

Really, don’t real friends matter anymore? Also, does honesty matter anymore in private life?

Social Media definitely has made people reach out to people who never had that access: celebrities, politicians, TV media hosts, etc.

Proceed with caution. If red flags go up, there is a reason.

New friendships or old friendships may or may not last. Nothing last forever. The internet, social media, meet up groups, etc., allows access to people who can impede safety precautions. It’s a scary world that we live in and many people are aware of the dangers, myself included.

Trust your instincts. Precede with caution. Remain friendly and give advice when asked. It’s understandable people have questions (just don’t wear a person out with all of them). Then, direct people to research the industry (any industry) themselves.

The funny thing is – I never got a thank you or a thank you card for helping this person. That definitely was a red flag. It’s people like these that kill the enthusiasm to truly help others.

Will I continue to help people? Yes, I’m just more cautious with my time, and I have set personal boundaries. Voice over talent truly enjoy helping others, or they are bored stiff and need some social interaction. However, people have to work, especially if social media is a part of it.

My opinion is that social media crowds people’s privacy (and watch out for folks that stampede your time and contacts to get ahead and be successful by any means necessary).

I could be totally wrong here, but really…am I?

Is there a balance between social media and privacy?


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Posted by on November 24, 2012 in Uncategorized, Voice Overs


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Vocal Health Insurance

Vocal Health Insurance: I did some calling, researching etc. about this topic.

A vocalist’s (VO or Singer) best bet is Lloyd‘s of London. However, typically a person needs to be a famous person to prove the cost.

Another company will ensure an individual musician/singer/vocalist for general liability insurance (if the crowd gets hurt) while the performer performs. However, actors are not insured possibly since there is a union (VO actors are probably not as well since they work alone or can be under union contract). The company website that I located and personally called today was

Lloyd and Whyte Limited in the UK has a policy for NODA (National Operatic & Dramatic Association.) for amateur theatres but that doesn’t pertain to VO. There’s not much out there. However, I’m glad that I did the research on this topic.

If anyone knows of vocal insurance companies that are affordable, keep people posted. Maybe times will have changed and it’ll become more available.



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Posted by on November 20, 2012 in Uncategorized, Voice Overs



Akim Camara, Violinist Child Prodigy

This video was posted on my social media Facebook page about Akim Camara. A person recently posted about him in a voice-over post, so I started reading about him at different stages in his musical talent.

This video shows him at 3 years old.

The video shows him much later, possibly 10 years old.

Hopefully, these kid prodigies will also grow up to become great human beings that match their artistry as well.

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Posted by on November 10, 2012 in Singing/Music


Akiane, Artist Child Prodigy

Akiane is a famous world art prodigy that most people know about. However, I enjoyed watching some clips of child prodigies lately and posted them on my blog. This interview was very in-depth and it was a thought-provoking interview. Paintings are purchased at her website. Enjoy.

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Posted by on November 10, 2012 in Art


Famous John Lennon Quote

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” by John Lennon

Yes. Life happened to me these past 7 months. I’m going to brief everyone about it:

Summer Repairs

1. Stick shift in car needed repair = $2500

2. A/C needed repair = $400

3. Computer repairs = $400

Fall Repairs

4. Water Heater Repairs = $400

5. Heat Repairs (for house) = $400

Total amount approximately = $4100

Yes, I was very upset by these repairs and then some. Had a talk with Jesus and we’re still talking. Needless to say, I’m still here, the repairs were fixed, and I’m definitely in debt. Taking a look at home insurance plans. lol

It’s been an interesting financial tough experience. Most of us have been in this situation in our lives. I’m going through mine right now. However, I’m thankful for health, work, students, and subjects that I deeply care about.

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. Stop – Relax – Meditate – Distress.

I would like to add this line from one of my favorite films, stated by Dev Patel, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011): “In India, we have a saying: ‘Everything will be all right in the end.’ So, if it’s not all right, it’s not yet the end.”




Posted by on November 10, 2012 in Uncategorized


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